Connect a Facility to 6Storage

To connect your DaVinci Lock® facility to 6Storage:

  1. Email to enroll in a subscription tier.
  2. Sign in to your DaVinci Lock® account.
  3. Create a DaVinci Lock API Key that can access one or more of your facilities. You will need to add this information to the 6Storage portal.
  4. Sign in to 6Storage with your credentials.
  5. Click the settings (wrench) icon in the bottom left corner, click "Integration”, then click the DaVinci Lock® logo.

6. Select the corresponding location to be integrated from the dropdown and add the API key, API secret, and facility ID generated in the DaVinci Lock® portal. Note- each API key and API secret can be used for more than one facility, but the facility ID will differ for each facility.

7. Click "Save".

Congratulations! DaVinci Lock® is now connected to 6Storage.