Unit Tasks

To view tasks that need to be completed for delinquent, vacant, or overlocked units:

1. Open the DaVinci Lock® app on a mobile device.

2. Tap “Unit Tasks”.

3. Select the facility.

For delinquent and vacant units:

1. Navigate to the corresponding tab- "Delinquent Units" for delinquent units or "Assign Vacant" for vacant units.

2. Tap on the unit.

3. Tap "Add New".

4. Manually enter or scan the lock’s serial code using the camera. The lock will automatically update to the respective status and can be adjusted as needed.

5. Tap “Save & Done”.

6. Sync any changes.

For locks pending removal post payment:

1. Navigate to the corresponding tab-"Remove Overlock". 

2. Tap on the unit.

3. Update the lock status.

4. Tap "Save & Done". 

5. Sync any changes.