Overview, Benefits, & Customization

By integrating DaVinci Lock® with your facility management software (FMS), OverlockRelease.com allows tenants with outstanding balances to easily make payments and access lock combinations through SMS or email. Additionally, it simplifies the process of retrieving unlock codes for newly rented vacant units secured with a DaVinci Lock®. This innovative technology enables tenants to conveniently access their units using automated remote capabilities. OverlockRelease.com can be personalized with a display name, URL, and company logo.

To customize the OverlockRelease.com website: 

  1. Sign in to your DaVinci Lock® account.
  2. Click “Settings”, navigate to the "Subdomains" tab.
  3. Click “Add subdomain”.

4. Customize details, including: 

  • Display Name
  • Subdomain URL ending in .overlockrelease.com. (Do not include “https://” OR “www.” OR overlockrelease.com)
  • Company logo or photo
  • Facility or facilities which the customization will apply to

5. Once all facilities have been added, click “Save & Submit”.

To ensure all facilities added to the subdomain are included in the API:

  1. Click "Integrations", navigate to the "Facilities" tab.
  2. Confirm the "Include in API" setting is toggled on for the facility.

See an example: https://support.overlockrelease.com/